Direct to Yogyakarta Indonesia

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Yogyakarta is one of province which located in Java having idiosyncrasy that is having cultural characteristic which come from empire of Mataram with their Kraton. Culture which have sticked in Yogyakarta people till now still looked after and is one of the commodity for tourism. Beside that, Yogyakarta also have some tourism objects like Prambanan Temple, Plaosan Temple, Queen of Boko Temple, Ijo Temple near by also with Borobudur Temple and one way other temple like Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple. Other tourism objects are natural tour object like Parangtritis Beach and parallel other beaches where having beautiful panorama and white sand, Merapi Mountain which is one of the active mount in world, near by also with Dieng Mountain area. As for other interesting place like Malioboro, Kotagede Area with their Glorious Mosque, Gabusan Artistic Market, Kasongan Market Craft, Beringharjo Traditional Market and Ngasem Market, Watercastle Tamansari and still many again which cannot be mentioned one by one at this medias.

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