Marlioborough Street: Bebek Bakar

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It's not a pretty sight but the black thing that you see in the picture was the most delicious grilled duck I've tasted in the whole of Yogya (Central Java) . Surprsingly, it wasn't bought at an upscale restaurant but in many of the lesehans ( local eateries ) found in Marlioborough Street. The local eateries over here are situated along the pavement and the furniture is spartan, just a couple of mats and a low table. Somehow, it reminded me of eating in Hanoi but this was more pleasant. I got to laze around like a Roman after a particularly satisfying meal of grilled chicken and duck. To cater to the sweet Javanese tooth, the duck was deliberately smeared with oodles of sweet black sauce ( kecap manis) before grilling it on an open fire. The result looks like crap but it tastes heavenly.

Where: A Lesehan, Marlioborough Street, opp KFC
Cost : Each piece of duck cost us USD0.90, the chicken was slightly cheaper at USD0.85, the hot lime drink and tea was about USD0.30 each.

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