Yogya or Jogja with its history and Javanese Culture have been a source of inspiration to many artists through the centuries. The proximity of the world famous heritage listed temples of Borobudur and Prambanan, as well as numerous other temples dating back to the 10th century, has brought thousands of visitors to the city.
The active Merapi Mountain and popular beaches in the southern area can be reached in just over an hour and make a good one-day excursion. Not to forget Malioboro Street, a shopping paradise for local handicrafts, close to the Sultan's Palace, the Keraton. The ancient city of Kota Gede is also an interesting place to visit, with its original Javanese Buildings and houses.
The main religion of the people of Yogyakarta is Islam, which arrived in Java during the 15th century. Despite of Islam as the main religion, the people of Yogyakarta still have strong spiritual roots of Javanese Culture. Islam in Yogyakarta is a unique blend of Islam and ancient Javanese religion. Traditional ceremonies with offerings and processions still take part in everyday life of the people. Glorious processions of Keraton Soldiers and Abdi Dalem can be seen on Islamic Holidays, especially on 1 Suro (Javanese New Year).
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Yogyakarta Culture
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