Yogyakarta a central city of the Java culture

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Located in the center of Java Island, bordered in the south by the Indian Ocean, which according to the Javanese belief is where the spirits of Queen of South dwells; and in the north by Mt Merapi, an active volcano which still believed as a home of sacred spirits. Just about 600 kms from Jakarta, the capital city and about 1000 kms from Bali, Yogyakarta city is easily reached by various transport connections, either by airlines or trains and buses.

As the former capitals and the centre of several kingdoms in the past, Yogyakarta and its people are very rich in cultural heritages. Civilization, traditional arts and culture had developed respectively in the times of the ancient Mataram Kingdom (8th - 10th century), the second Mataram Kingdom (17th - 18th century), and the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Kingdom from the mid of 18th century until nowadays. You will see many heritages here, not only ancient monuments like temples, but also the living culture in the form of various kind of traditional ceremonies, cultural events, traditional dances, performances, and batik painting, and much more.

As a tourism destination, Yogyakarta comes with three main point of interest:

* as the heart of Java culture, Yogyakarta is heavy colored by daily java culture lifestyle and customs, performing arts in certain occasions, under the governance of Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, the King of Yogyakarta Kingdom and the governor of Yogyakarta Province, who lives in the Royal Palace of Yogyakarta nowadays.
* the most famous monuments from ancient cultures: the Borobudur Temple, the Prambanan Temple, and tens of smaller temples in and around of Yogyakarta.
* its natural beauties, the beaches and the magnificent mountain that can be reach within 30 minutes from the downtown, beautiful limestone caves and wild rivers to raft

Yogyakarta has attracted many people from all over the world to enjoy its beauty and amazing cultures from day to day. Supported by several luxury star hotels, well connected transportation, and a good travel plan, you can also explore the countryside of Yogyakarta while you stay in Indonesia with ease and comfortless.

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