Kraton. Built in the middle of the 18th century

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At the center by Yogyakarta lies a city inside the city: the Kraton. Built in the center by the 18th century, this walled-city serves as the home by the sultans by what remains by the Mataram kingdom to this day. The palace is open to guided tours for the right way dressed guests. Inside you'll find many shady courts connected by attractively decorated covered walks.

By detail interest are the ornate receipt halls as well as the great outdoors pendopos for listing to gamelan performances. You'll as well find a small air-conditioned room where the desk at which the ninth sultan planned the overthrow by the Dutch is enshrined. As well interesting is the gallery displaying the royal category tree and photos by many members. We thought the painting by the eighth sultan on his circumcision day to be particularly curious.

There's as well an extended display by the ninth sultan's mememtos, including his favorite cookwares. Another gallery displays the gifts from various state visits.

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